An international ad hoc steering committee – drawn from allies of Samir Amin, and in cooperation with other like-minded organisations and researchers working for justice, freedom and a progressive form of sustainable development is happy to invite you to join our ranks.
Shortly before he passed away in August 2018, Samir Amin wrote: “It is imperative to reconstruct the International of Workers and Peoples.” In pursuit of new alliances of popular movements and their radical intellectual supporters, in order to envisage the next stage of the world socialist struggle, our departed comrades Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi, Hugo Chavez, Marta Harnecker, Francois Houtart and Immanuel Wallerstein, together with us all, have been working on this prospect.
This idea of a global international is needed today, more than ever before, for those of us convinced of the utmost necessity of a global left movement. For this very purpose, we established , from the cradle of the World Forum of Alternatives, an ad hoc group to prepare an international “Kick-Off Meeting” for the “International of Workers and Peoples”.
The momentous events unfolding in the world today require outreach to all the relevant progressive forces around the world.
We need to identify building blocks for an international network of peoples and workers to address the challenges of the 21 st century. We aim to answer thes questions: how shall we transfer Amin’s appeal to workers and people from being just an idea, to action: a transnational organisation? How to materialize it? What are the ways and means to achieve this?
Provisonal ad hoc Steering committee

Ad Hoc secretary